
Il tuo cielo è verde. Letizia Cariello’s solo exhibition at the Filatoio Rosso di Caraglio

Da giugno a ottobre 2021, al Filatoio Rosso di Caraglio Letizia Cariello porta, in una mostra personale a cura di Olga Gambari, alcune opere che ne racconteranno il percorso degli ultimi anni, insieme a creazioni site specific, con una declinazione che si collega al tempo presente e al luogo specifico della mostra, così come a […]

Il tuo cielo è verde. Letizia Cariello’s solo exhibition at the Filatoio Rosso di Caraglio Read More »

Special opening of the exhibition FUSO ORARIO in the presence of Letizia Cariello

Galleria Studio G7 hosts Fuso Orario, a solo exhibition by Letizia Cariello curated by Leonardo Regano. Fuso Orario is an investigation into the subtle boundary between inner and outer space, between what binds the physical body and the spiritual body, succeeding in highlighting an occult anatomy of being that results in perceptive potential, a research

Special opening of the exhibition FUSO ORARIO in the presence of Letizia Cariello Read More »

#WorldArtDay at Bocconi University

World Art Day is an opportunity to visit, even if virtually, the Bocconi art gallery, which since 2009 has collected hundreds of works by Italian and international artists, including a Gate by Letizia Cariello. Hundreds of contemporary art works, paintings, sculptures, light and fabric installations, murals, photographs. Hundreds of Italian artists, from Mauro Staccioli to

#WorldArtDay at Bocconi University Read More »

Fuso Orario. Solo exhibition by Letizia Cariello at Studio G7

Galleria Studio G7 hosts Fuso Orario, a solo exhibition by Letizia Cariello curated by Leonardo Regano. Fuso Orario is an investigation into the subtle boundary between inner and outer space, between what binds the physical body and the spiritual body, succeeding in highlighting an occult anatomy of being that results in perceptive potential, a research

Fuso Orario. Solo exhibition by Letizia Cariello at Studio G7 Read More »

ISST Time’s News 2020

ISST – International Society for the Study of Time, is an organisation of scientists, humanists and artists that provides a framework for interdisciplinary academic dialogue on the nature of time. Founded by J. T. Fraser in 1966, its members explore the multiple dimensions and perspectives of time and the role it plays in the physical,

ISST Time’s News 2020 Read More »

Sustainable talks. Talking to those who believe in the green transition

Spreading the culture of sustainability to create a cultural process of awareness and sensitisation. It is in the framework of the Festival Il Verde e il Blu at the Biblioteca degli Alberi in Milan that the book “Sustainable talks. Talking to those who believe in the green transition“promoted by GSE, Gestore Servizi Energetici, and published

Sustainable talks. Talking to those who believe in the green transition Read More »