En musique
In almost all my works, music is alive as a condition of thinking. I noticed this by observing them. I think it is because music is a way to exist and because music is sound that is the only condition that survives the inexactness of space and time. Sound and rhythm, too: that of the heart that of the breath…. For always striving for a condition of harmony not outwardly but because it is the mathematical and proportional sense of spaces, I have always thought in music until I realized that for who knows how long both in the titles and in the need to use sounds as an element of connecting spaces and forms there was always music in each of my constructions in this section there is Gesualdo da Venosa’s Hallenbad Backstage or the sound of breathing like the sound of the wind in Consuetudines at Certosa di Padula.
When I was asked to curate a section of the Milano Design Film Festival for me it was immediate and Natural to propose Music and Architecture: Istvan Anhalt translating the facade of a Cathedral into a musical score, Steven Holl responding by translating a score by Anhalt into a plan drawing. Music not as an accompaniment to works but as ways of thinking. Precisely because it is space of the mind, better yet: place of interiority Even earlier, during the work of the study group A New Narrative for Europe, wanted around Europe by Manuel Barroso during his presidency , and to which I was invited to contribute, my contribution had still gone there. Around Music
The planets are playing…now I look around me and see music in every one of my works: either suggested or expressed..all the way to Thinkerbell Thinkerbell and beyond still. Always, And I could go on and on.

With you
video-installation, 2023

Calendario Suono del tempo
Ink pen on embroidery sheet and gold branches on round frame, Ø 100 cm, Unique Edition 2023

Manœuvre de Matador (Bach in Thinkerbell)
Thanks to Bazzini Consort for the performance of Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas.

Book of Silence
12 unique pieces and 1 author’s proof – published by Gitti and Bertelli publishers

Thanks are due to Gile Bae for the performance of the opening aria of the Goldberg Variations.
Il tuo cielo è verde Filatoio Rosso, Caraglio, 2021
Cascina I.D.E.A., Agrate Conturbia (NO), from 1 August 2020
An act of reparation based on listening and observation. MUSICA DELLE SFERE CELESTI, Letizia Cariello’s site-specific installation at Cascina I.D.E.A., stems from the act of looking and knowing how to identify the design inherent in things: her pictorial interventions on the external and internal walls of the farmhouse highlight the force fields of the architecture and its volumes. And then there is music, understood as a way of thinking and as a thread behind those lines of force, as an inner vision that lies both inside and outside each of us. Music is geometry. Geometry is music. Geometry as dynamic design and therefore as music. So when Letizia Cariello looked at Cascina I.D.E.A. she saw the perfect interlocking of forms
in a treble clef of two colours: blue and red.

Carillon - Opera for Strings
Installation with sound, 2015-16
The following collaborated in the creation of Carillon: Angelo Micheletti, Engineer Daniele Bagatti, Bronzer
© pic. Andrea Rossetti, Milano
Carillon – a work for strings
LAC Lugano Art and Culture, October 25 – November 28, 2016
ANTONINI, Palazzo Borromeo, MiART April 7-10 2016

The wind is blowing in my direction
Permanent installation with sound, Chesa Stuva Colani Madulain (St.Moritz) CH
Sound engineer : Daniele Giani
Engineering : Studio Micheletti Brescia
This work is a handshake between Nature ( the wind and the landscape ) and Human Being (L.C.).
As in a fairy tale, the trees speak indeed play. The wind, which for us humans sounds, really blows over the hills of Perno.
When this happens, the organ pipes that act as the soul of the steel trees make their voices heard by playing a chord in
B Flat.
A balance is achieved between the voice of Nature and the hand of the Artist who in this way asks for and gives an embrace.
It is not the annihilation of one element in the other, rather the full relativisation of a song in which the human presence ( the Artist ) defines itself as part of Nature as capable of symbolic-poetic narrative.

Red Goldberg
Child’s cello, red wool thread, steel, 120×42 cm, 2013

two crashed violins, brass and red enamel inserts- two teapots tied with red thread, steel and red thread, overall dimensions cm 65 x 60 x 15 ca overall dimensions cm 53 x 74 x 30 ca, 2017

Multimedia project for cell No. 13 of the Certosa di San Lorenzo, Padula : ambulatory (window with grating woven with red wool threads and sound installation) – Padula (SA), Certosa di San Lorenzo, 2002